“LIGHTPRINTS: The Power of Human Touch”

Featured Article in Ki Awareness Magazine April/May 2011 http://www.kiawareness.com/

Human energetic prints! They are invisible to human eyes but we all leave a trail of them wherever we go! They are all across the planet: in the coffee shops, around the water coolers, on our pocket change, across our sidewalks, on our gas pumps, across the buttons on our ATM machines. Our energetic prints are everywhere! This is an infinite source of power that is freely accessible to everyone. Perhaps we should put it to some good use?

Imagine for a moment if we began to take another step toward living consciously by harnessing this power that trails from our fingertips and footsteps by infusing it with positivity? What if we awakened to the notion that the attitude behind the touch, behind the footstep can raise the vibration of our reality? Consider the powerful role of positive intention and the abundance of energy at our fingertips and we discover a new vehicle for dissipating the density in our world. That vast sea of ordinary energetic prints we leave behind us every day can potentially be supercharged with Love, Praise or Gratitude transforming them into the extraordinary: Lightprints!

Remember little Jeffery from Bill Keane’s comic “Family Circus”? Every once in a while, Keane would grace us with the simple visual of a day in the life of Jeffery: his trail over, under, around, in and across every object of fascination in his world? Rest assured, Jeffery left a lot of supercharged Lightprints on his travels as all happy children do when they are free to follow their innate curiosity. For us grown ups, leaving a trail of Lightprints becomes a little more challenging. Perhaps it is not so easy for us to be spontaneously happy as we rush through the drive-thru for our coffees on our way to the next appointment, do our laundry or squeeze in a bit of grocery shopping on the way home from work. Consequently, many of the energetic prints that trail behind us are weighted with constriction and further contribute to the density around us.

Lightprinting takes a bit of practice but it is quite uplifting once you get the hang of it! Meal preparation is a great place to practice infusing the human touch with positivity. Let your thoughts wander free from stress into realm of Love, Praise and Gratitude for those things that make your heart sing- for the great song playing on the radio, for yourself, for your dinner guests, for Mother nature in offering the beautiful ingredients for your meal, and if you are fortunate enough, for having the house to yourself for a few minutes so you can sing at will to that great song on the radio while you prepare that great culinary experience. If you find the heavy, stress laden thoughts creeping in, gently catch yourself and redirect your mind and heart back to the realm of positivity. Lighten up and supercharge your carrots as you peel them! Supercharge the water as you fill the pot for pasta! Supercharge the pasta! The cups, the plates, the knives and forks as you set the table! And when you get to it, supercharge the washing machine (…it’s a long way from a scrubbing board!), supercharge your lawn as you mow it, and your garden as you tend to it!

Lightprints will gradually work their mysterious magic through your surroundings and you will begin to feel the effects. The changes will be subtle but beautiful: Perhaps a little more laughter in the air, a little more conversation, a little more openness, a little more peace, a little more appreciation and perhaps even a more leisurely paced evening meal at the kitchen table because the company around it is a little more cherished.

Another wonderful aspect about Lightprinting is it doesn’t attract attention or require formal declaration so though you are consciously Lightprinting, others will not be aware. It’s a secret gift from your heart to the world around you and though your fellow human beings have no idea what you are up to, the universe is a witness. When you are Lightprinting, you are Lightworking and the universe will answer your contribution of Love, Praise and Gratitude with an abundance of it in return. It’s a phenomenal on the job perk.

It won’t be long before you realize there is a river of gratitude springing from your heart and like little Jeffery, Lightprints will flow spontaneously in a trail behind you wherever you go: As you search for the change in your pocket at the drive-thru, as you pick out your mangoes and zucchinis at the grocery store, as you reach for the gas pump even on the most blustery winter day, you will be leaving the gift of your Lightprint for the next unsuspecting soul to come along and be mysteriously uplifted!


A quiet, humble way of making the world a better place.

Happy Light trails to you!

Shelley Richardson


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