Positive feedback – sometimes we get it, sometimes we don’t. But does that mean when we hit a dry spell for compliments and encouragement that we should ease back on following through with our dreams?

Hek no!

If we are committed to a path of growth and living out our higher purpose, gearing down when positive feedback from the outside world wanes is falling to temptation. Temptation, after all, is one of those elements of the human experience that plays an ongoing role – pounding relentlessly on our front door, hoping to be invited in for tea. So! Do we distract ourselves from our dream and put the kettle on?

Dreams – like seeds that require water, sunlight and soil to germinate - require daily doses of patience and love infused with the joy of their existence long before we see them sprout. There is a lot going on behind the appearances when we put a dream call out to the Universe. Angels kick into high gear and get busy on our behalf: circumstances must be lined up, experiences must be offered and experienced, key facilitators at various stages of the manifestation process must also be arranged.

All things considered, it is little wonder that dreams can take some time to unfold and it is further little wonder that you might find the chorus of positivity waning around you as you wait for the first sprout to appear above the soil, but I ask you –


Take heart and know for certain that in any given moment YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST CHEERLEADER….so let your heart sing the praises of your dreams even if you find you must at times solo. But truthfully, you are never alone in the dream calling process for when the grand hoopla of your entourage subsides, that is when you notice the most heavenly Hallelujah that has accompanied you all along:

It's the Angelic chorus heralding the magnificence of YOU as you step along the path to the glorious manifestation of your dreams.

Infinite Blessings,

Shelley Richardson


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